Nave Funeral Home Erin, Tennessee

Of all the funeral homes in Erin, TN, Nave-Erin Funeral Home has been selected as the best funeral home in Erin. They are expert listeners who will transform your thoughts and ideas into a personalized Remembrance Gathering that captures the essence & personality of that wonderful life. They are not just funeral directors, they are experts at planning the Remembrance of A Lifetime. The compassionate staff of Nave-Erin Funeral Home work closely in collaboration with Hospices and Hospice caregivers in Erin, TN in order to provide a continuum of care that bridges the gap between the time of death and bereavement.

nave funeral home erin tn 37061

Freddy currently volunteers with the Clarksville Junior Golf program and attends Real Life Church Sango. She was raised in the Cunningham community and now resides in nearby Southside alongside her husband, Patrick Perry. They are members of Salem Community Church, where Ashley enjoys serving on the AVL team. She is pleased to provide the most compassionate care and service to our families.

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She is a 1987 graduate of Northwest High School and attended both Murray State and Austin Peay State Universities. She is married to Brian Shelby, a lifelong resident of Woodlawn, TN. Lori and her husband reside in Woodlawn. All of our licensed directors adhere to the highest standard of ethical practices and are committed to ensuring that all of your needs are attended to. Their commitment to the community and genuine compassion toward families are but a few of the characteristics that make them outstanding in their field. If you have just lost a loved one, please accept our condolences and sympathies.

nave funeral home erin tn 37061

"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family." You may purchase programs through the funeral home or elsewhere, if you wish. You may choose to purchase a casket online or elsewhere, if you'd wish.

Tay Joslin, Licensed Funeral Director

Please browse below to find the obituary for your loved one and feel free to share with friends and family across your social media pages. We encourage all of our visitors to leave a message of condolence or share a memory within the memorial tribute site. Doing so can help yourself and others with the remembrance process and show how the deceased positively impacted so many people during their lifetime. Rest assured that each of our Erin and Clarksville obituaries will remain online for years to come. This ensures your loved one’s memories can continue to live on for eternity and friends and family have a central place to revisit when they need it.

nave funeral home erin tn 37061

It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.

Helping You Plan

With two locations to serve you, our funeral homes in Clarksville, TN and Erin, TN can help you honor your loved one and say goodbye. Each year we help hundreds of families in the area say meaningful goodbyes to their departed loved ones. Obituaries for Erin, Tennessee, and will help assist you in preparing and placing the obituary for your loved one in a timely and proper manner. Today, many obituaries are published in two versions; an abbreviated form for the newspaper also known as a death notice, and a more detailed version that is read online at the funeral home web site, or on other memorial sites. Lori was born and raised in Clarksville, TN., she has over 25 years experience in the funeral business and became part of the McReynolds-Nave & Larson staff in 1998.

nave funeral home erin tn 37061

This is an interactive page that allows loved ones to locate service details and interact with one another while sharing their condolences and memories of the deceased. A gift to your family, sparing them hard decisions at an emotional time. So if cremation is your choice, trust the affordable cremation service in Erin, TN most trusted by veterans and their families, Nave-Erin Funeral Home.

An obituary for a loved one in Erin, Tennessee serves to identify and communicate to the community the passing of a wonderful life and to announce any visitation, Remembrance Gathering and memorial information. VFMC funeral home providers work with leaders in the financial services sector who provide safe, stable & sound solutions for the funeral industry. The funds are placed in an insurance policy, trust, or an annuity and remain there until the death occurs. Prepayment also protects against inflation and price increases because no further charges are made on the items selected by you.

nave funeral home erin tn 37061

Personalization is available on most urns so you can capture the essence of your loved one while honoring their wonderful life. Contact the Erin, TN funeral home professionals & cremation experts of Nave-Erin Funeral Home to learn about their signature funeral & cremation options as well as their honest & affordable prices. This is the fee for the services the funeral home will provide during a graveside service. This is generally required if you will be needing any assistance from the staff for the service. This is the fee for the services the funeral home will provide during a visitation or viewing. This is generally required if you would like to hold a viewing and visitation at the funeral home or if you will be needing any assistance from the staff.

Save money on caskets, urns and more

The rest that happened was a misunderstanding but you guys done my father's service very well. This guy should not be opening doors or servicing people if they are going to cause problems! I know funerals are sad, intense, some angry, some moody, but you have to be more gentle with folks. This could have been avoided had the guy just been courteous and gentle hearted. — My name is Don Camp my wife passed away and all I can say is the staff workers in Erin were so professional and kind and detailed, they were awesome to work with is such a horrible time in our lives.

Upon receiving his diploma in Business Management, Tom furthered his education by attending John A. Gupton Mortuary College in Nashville. A licensed Funeral Director/Embalmer, Tom is involved with many community events and organizations. Then hour passes by, and my uncle was sitting outside door, I bent over to hear him say he lost his inhaler, i couldn't hear him good, the same guy has his phone open, opens the door with his body weight slamming it into my elbow! I pushed the door back fast and the guy came out saying let me tell you something. Yea, I grabbed him, and shoved him into door, as his hands were coming up at me.


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